Our most frequently asked questions

dream catcher
<strong>01</strong> What is "ICAE"?
“ICAE”(pronounced “EYE KAY” stands for Inter-Tribal Council of AT&T Employees. It is The only AT&T recognized ERG for NATIVE AMERICANS. ICAE has established a cultural development arena which helps with career advancement and education, and encourages a better understanding of all employees, more specifically Native Americans. Before formation there was no official voice speaking to the leadership of AT&T on issues & concerns of Native American AT&T employees. We are that voice. We are a source for enhancing the awareness of all people within & outside AT&T.
<strong>02</strong> What is an "ERG"?
“ERG” means Employees Resource Group. An ERG is an employee group that is a full business partner with AT&T to develop the corporate diversity strategy, focusing on advancing AT&T’s business strategy, and being employee advocacy resources which encourage good-will and community involvement.
<strong>03</strong>Do you have to be a Native American to join?
No. ICAE is open to all AT&T employees who supports ICAE’s mission and goals. ALL brothers & sisters of the Great Father are welcome.
<strong>04</strong>Do you have to be an active employee to join?
No. Membership is open to all AT&T employees: active or retired who are supportive of this organization’s mission and goals. Only an active employee can hold a National office.
<strong>05</strong>How do I find the chapter I would belong to?
ICAE’s local Councils are listed on the left hand side of the page. The membership chair will place you in the local council that is closest to your physical location. If you have a particular preference of a specific Council please contact the Membership Committee chairperson.
<strong>06</strong>How much does it cost to join?
We will no longer collect dues at the national or chapter level. Internal benchmarking with employees indicated that paying dues was an obstacle to ERG membership, and because of this, our Chairman has removed this obstacle by providing operational funds for our organization.
<strong>07</strong>How do I join ICAE?

All new members who are AT&T employees can click here to join.
Retirees can click here.

<strong>08</strong>What kind of activities/community services/workshops does ICAE support or sponsor?
ICAE supports personal, professional, cultural, civic, and educational programs, nationally and locally, within the Native community, as well as Workshops done at our National Conferences.